the manager + editor relationship

BI-Weekly manager, portfolio editor, and archivist meetings are fundamental to internal synergy and are vital for an artist’s career trajectory.

  • Meetings occur bi-weekly – every two weeks (Tuesdays or Wednesdays)

  • Please respect the editor’s time — notify them in advance if you are not able to make your regularly scheduled meeting. They will do the same for you.

  • The selection process will be a dialogue, but your editor will have final say.

  • Images will be organized beforehand and your editor will be up to speed on the context surrounding all work.

  • Try to create a culture where you are intercepting artist feedback, rather than your artist regularly contacting your editor directly.

  • It’s your editor’s job to create portfolios that represent TWG. They will lead the direction of each book with your feedback and the artists’ wishes in mind.